Automotive at Dokio

Dokio is a platform designed to enable companies the ability to create, distribute and control digital content as it moves around the business. We work to simplify how companies do this across all levels. From a company’s corporate team members, all the way through to their dealerships, franchisees and retailers, Dokio provides these end-users with authorisation to change content details but within a set of parameters pre-approved at a corporate level.

Dokio exists to enable you to scale your content production and maintain brand integrity.

Why Dokio

The platform is used to improve workflows & content creation for activities such as local marketing, partnership marketing & internal communication

Automate the compliance & quality aspects of content creation & empower those who need to communicate with customers, staff and stakeholders.

Collaboration with control

Your marketing team can use our dynamic templates to enable easy changes to imagery, layouts, and sizes and universal updates content modules and fields.  Making time to market fast and cost effective. 

Importantly they can create these in a way that franchise  can self-serve the content they need without lots of training or expertise.  This eliminates rush requests and unnecessary back and forth workflows and places the power of your marketing team into the franchisees hands.

Powerful workflows

Central controls enable you to change assets and content in one place.  The ability to lock content fields and set approval workflows enables audit trails for compliance.   Dokio is designed to be the delivery infrastructure that delivers powerful content creation to users with the protections needed but without the bottlenecks.

Case Studies